Unreal Engine C++/Blueprint Programmers

Posted: almost 4 years
Serf Works Studios is currently working on Fuedal Lands, an open-world Medieval Style Survival set in an alternate time where orcs and undead battle with knights and nobles trying to establish their kingdoms throughout the land! 

The studio is looking for a few talented Unreal Engine Programmers with experience in C++/Blueprint. A lot of talented people on the team already so feel free to contact us for an interview. 

  1. C++\Blueprint Programmer - Networking Core for character actor (Actor Base), networking with support for steam and backend utilization of playfab for communications and character state, and in-depth systems creation to support inventory/building/crafting systems that are designed for our game.
  2. C++\Blueprint Programmer - Networked Character abilities programmer (BP_Character), anim bp, effects, and sequencing for specialized events/situation(s) raised by the AI/Base Actor programmers. Complex sword/shield pvp combat.
  3. C++\Blueprint Programmer - Replicated AI Programmer, similar to the character abilities programmer as far as animations/states but includes complex state management for taming animals, dog companion, cityfolk NPCs, and dungeon crawler enemies.
If you're interested in any of these roles, please send us an email.

Fuedal Lands
Job Expired

About Serf Works Studios

Indie studio working on Medieval Style Survival set in an alternate time where orcs and undead battle with knights and nobles trying to establish their kingdoms throughout the land!

Serf Works Studios

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United States of America

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Serf Works Studios

Company Website

United States of America

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