3D Retopology Artist

Posted: about 4 years
Art and Animation

I'm looking for someone to do retopology on a face mesh we got from photogrammetry.

Note: The mesh is made of tri's not quads.

(Looking for someone who can clean and retopologize without using auto Quad Remesh and Instant Meshes as we've tried using this already. Loses a lot of face detail. )

If it helps, the retopology is for the purpose of using the model for realistic 3D Animation.

Would like to hire an Artist that has experience doing this and has before and after examples (a screen shot of previous models Before and After will do.)

Please message me or email VoiceOverAndMocapGuy@gmail.com and let me know your rate in $USD for retopology of the face. Thank you so much!

Job Expired

About Freelance

We're not really a company. We're friends who are learning 3D and animation. 


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